Bloodrite Magicka Overview

This card game contains 200 unique cards, separated into 5 card types:

SummonCards that attack on behalf of the player
SpellCards that impact players and other card types
GlyphCards that react to a certain game condition being met
CurseCards that negatively affect a specific player
ItemCards that grant situational benefits to a player

Every card type except Item has a card Cost that must be met prior to playing (referred to as casting) the card. A higher card Cost will designate a card that carries a comparatively more powerful effect.


Game Phase

Each player begins the game with 40 Blood. Whenever a player’s Blood becomes 0 or less, they lose the game, and their cards are immediately returned to the box, and they forfeit all future turns. All card types except Items cost Blood to Cast. This is designated in the upper left-hand corner of the card by a number. To Cast a card, a player reduces their Blood by the card Cost, then the card is revealed in the play area. The play area is referred to as the Circle and will contain any player’s Cast cards that remain in the play area.

Cards can be Cast at any point during a player’s turn, so long as the player has not exceeded 3 Actions. Whenever a Summon is Cast, it is placed in front of the player in the Circle. Summons cannot attack or become triggered the turn they were Cast, unless otherwise stated. Glyphs and Items are also placed in front of the player in the Circle, and they can become triggered the turn they were Cast. Whenever a Curse is Cast, it is placed in front of a rival in the Circle, and its effects are immediately active on the affected rival.

The last player to whose Blood is above 0 is the winner of the game.

Card Keywords

Circle Shared play space where non-banished Summons, non-broken Glyphs, active Curses, and non-destroyed Items exist
Abyss Shared discard pile where cast Spells, banished Summons, broken Glyphs, and dispelled Curses are placed
Banish Summon is immediately placed into the Abyss (unless it is a token, then returned to the token pile)
Protector All rivals must attack this summon when initiating an attack against you or summons you control
WeaklingThis summon cannot attack
Blood SacrificeA summon you control must be banished as an additional Cost to Cast or trigger
EffectRemain in the Circle until the player's next turn
RecoverIncrease Blood by the designated number
CleanseRemove all cards from the Abyss and place them into the box
Inflict Inflict damage equal to the numerical value to a single player or summon (unless specified otherwise)
ChannelYou must discard a card as an additional Cost to Cast or trigger
DashSummon can attack the turn it was Cast
OutcryTriggers when a summon is banished
InfluxTriggers when a summon enters the Circle